Game theory
内容来自 Lectures Notes on Algorithmic Game Theory
lecture 1
POA(price of anarchy): ratio between the system performance with strategic players and the best-possible system performance
设计规则让 POA 接近 1 最好
Every bimatrix game has a Nash equilibrium
if a bimatrix game is zero-sum, then a Nash equilibrium can be computed in polynomial time
lecture 2
In a second-price (Vickrey) auction, every truthtelling bidder is guaranteed non-negative utility
Vickrey auction has 3 properties: strong incentive guarantees (dominant-strategy incentive-compatible DSIC), stirng performance guarantees(social surplus), computational efficiency
lecture 3
Myerson’s Lemma: Fix a single-parameter environment.
An allocation rule x is implementable if and only if it is monotone.
If x is monotone, then there is a unique payment rule such that the sealed-bid mechanism (x, p) is DSIC
The payment rule in (b) is given by an explicit formula
- \[p_i(b_i, b_{-i}) =\Sigma_{j=1}^{l}{z_j \cdot \text{ jump in } x_i(\cdot , b_{-i}) \text{ at } z_j}\]
lecture 4
- knapsack auction: seller 有一个总量 capacity $W$, 每个广告有一个 size $w_i$,$x_i=1$ indicates $i$ is a winning bidder. $\Sigma_{i=1}^{n} w_ix_i \le W $
- knapsack auction is not awsome (no polynomial-time implementation of the allocation rule), however we can achieve pseudopolynomial time using dynamic programming
- knapsack auction greedy algorithm: 1) sort the bidders by $\frac{b_i}{w_i}$ 2) pick winners in descending order until one doen’t fit 3) return step-2 solution or highest bidder
- previous algorithm, assuming truthful bids, the surpluis of the greedy allocation rule is at least $1-\alpha$ of the maximum-possible surplus ($w_i \le \alpha W$ for every bidder $i$)
- weakening the DSIC constraint often allows you accomplish things that are provably imporssible for DSIC mechanisms. DSIC and non-DSIC, the former enjoy stronger incentive guarantees, the latter better performance guarantees.
- different types of equilibrium lead to different mechanism design.
- Stronger equilibrium concepts (e.g. domiant-strategy equilibria) requiring weaker behavioral assumptions but with narrower reach than weaker equilibrium concepts (e.g. Bayes-Nash equilibrium)
lecture 5
- revenue-maximizing auctions: 之前都是 welfare-maximization (无所谓 input,有一个 DSIC 机制),如果是 revenue-maximization 对于不同 input,不同的策略表现更好。
- Bayesian analysis: 1) a single-parameter environment 2) the privatre valuation $v_i$ is assumed to be drawn from a distribution $F_i$, al the distributions are independent but not necessarily identical. 3) distributions $F_i$ are known in advance to mechanism designer (by bids in past auctions)
- CASE: one bidder and one item, the expected revenue of a posted price $r$ is $r\cdot (1 -F(r)$ , 因为给出价格更高,但是成功拍出的概率也就更小。the optimal posted price is called monopoly price
- expected revenue = expected virtual welfare
- A distributino $F$ is regular if the corresponding virtual valuation function $v -\frac{1-F(v)}{f(v)}$ is strictly increasing
- 对于 i.i.d bidders, 直接 vickrey auction 加上 reserve price $\varphi^{-1}(0)$
lecture 6: simple near-optimal auctions
Prophet inequality: for every sequence $G_1,..,G_n$ of independent distributions, there is strategy that guarantees expected reward $\frac{1}{2}E_{\pi}[max_i \pi_i]$. There is such a threshold strategy $t$, which accepts prize $i$ if and only if $\pi_i >= t$
Bulow-Klemperer Theorem: Let $F$ be a regular distribution and $n$ a positive integer. Then: $E_{v_1,..v_{n+1}\sim F}[Rev(VA)(n+1\, bidders)]>=E_{v_1,..v_{n+1}\sim F}[Rev(OPT_F)(n\, bidders)]$ where $VA$ and $OPT_F$ denote the Vickrey auction and the optimal auction for $F$
Above theorem indicates invest resources into getting more serious participants, rather than sharpening knowledgte of their preferences.
lecture 7: multi-parameter mechanism design and the VCG mechanism
- 之前的情形都是 single-parameter,也就是一个 participant 有一个 private 信息(物品价值),可以扩展到 multi-paramter,也就是物品给 A 或 B 对于我来说价值不同,或者 物品 C 和 D 对我来说有偏好
- multi-paramter mechanism key ingredients:
- $n$ strategic participants
- a finite set $\Omega$ of outcomes
- each participant $i$ has a private valuation $v_i(w)$ for each outcome $w\in\Omega$
- Vickrey-Clarke-Groves mechanism: in every genral mechanism design environment, there is a DSIC welfare-maximizing mechanism
- Myerson’s lemma does not hold beyond single-paramter environments (not able to define monotonicity in more than 1 dimension)
- payment rule: $p_i(b)=max_{w\in\Omega} \Sigma_{j\ne i}b_j(w) - \Sigma_{j\ne i}b_j(w^*)$